About Sylph

Sylph Education is a leader in professional skill development, corporate training and assessments integrated talent management, Business Excellence and HR solutions. Sylph Education solutions Ltd. was incorporated in year 2010 under Companies Act, 1956 (Company is Limited by Shares). The main object of the company was to establish,promote,subsidies,provide,maintain,organize,undertake,manage,takeover,collaborate,setup,assist,build,construct,equip,develop,
recondition,operate,conduct,research,grant,support to spread Education by opening Schools and College to provide complete Technical and Management knowledge to work in the field of education, Training, Research science, Industrial Development and Printing and Publication and to guide Supervise and teach the undergraduate students and all other involved in technical and management studies and to work in the field of Human Resource Development , Rural development, Community Development and Social security and Participate in National and International conference in the field of Environment, Health, Social, Cultural and Sports activities, Adult Education, Continuing Education and Social Advocacy and singing ,guide, conduct computer training classes, schools, colleges and other computer educational programmes, lectures, seminars, Symposium on subjects in respect of operating computer programming, computer training, Computer manufacturing, computer technology to take part and inter into agreement/Contract with Govt./State Govt./Local Bodies, Corporations/Govt. Departments/Govt. Organizations/Agencies to implement/work/project/construct/ and to participate and work on projects assigned by Governments or its agencies for Plantation, Transportation of tree/trees under any scheme or project and develop green belt. To establish, organize, run, and manage public examination programmes; award certificates, diplomas, degrees and honours earned through examination or on honorary basis and to manufactures, produce ,print, publish,export,import,market studying-listening-viewing-reading and teaching and learning.